FALCON® - An intelligent solution for connected mobility

画像: FALCON® - コネクティッドモビリティのためのインテリジェントソリューション(英語)

Mobility is a key sector where digitalization providing new opportunities in self-driving cars and connected mobility services. Innovative connected applications to increase operational efficiency and reduce the possibility of human driver error are beginning to emerge as the acceptance of autonomous vehicles increase, such as to reduce CO2 emission and traffic congestion, as well as improve safety and comfort. One of the key requirements for a connected vehicle ecosystem is an efficient data management platform that can process large amounts of real world heterogenous data in real time to identify current state as well as predict future states to deliver different types of services and applications [1]. To achieve such a system, we are developing a cloud based intelligent connected mobility platform FALCON® that enables improved collaborative applications for connected autonomous vehicles.


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