What if my autonomous car drives like me?

画像: もし自動運転車が私のように運転をしたら?(英語)

Autonomous driving (AD) cars are no longer mere technology hype. They are here with us and their adoption will continue to grow. Tesla and a few other car manufacturers are leading the aggressive adoption of AD in the urban area. Notwithstanding the fact that they are increasing in popularity, there has been a lot of safety concerns around AD that has led some leading organisations like Google and Uber to abandon their internal autonomous driving projects. While it is natural that we all want AD cars to be very safe, have you ever wondered how you would want your self-driving car to drive? Ideally, everyone would say, “like me!” or perhaps only people who consider themselves “good drivers” would say “let it drive like me” but I imagine that most people who drive would consider themselves a “good driver.”


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